The Glad Game by Bro. Jon Escoto

October 12, 2008

This was my first time to attend the Feast! I was so excited! My sister and my friend Karren were with me.

After the mass, a worship followed and then a special talk by Bro. Jon Escoto. The talk was about the Glad Game. Bro. Jon shared the mechanics of this game:
  1. Remember the truth
  2. Refuse to compare yourself with others
  3. Re-orient your perspectives
  4. Recognize that difficult times are temporary
  5. Recover the power to choose your attitude
  6. Reach out to bless others.
My life, like maybe most of us, had its ups and downs. When I face a difficult situation, I choose to dwell on the pains and let myself be miserable. I have my reasons anyway. This talk had opened my mind and heart to happiness. I realized, its possible to win in this game, if only, i follow the mechanics. I didn't knew how before- until I heard this talk. Now, I'm not saying, I'd win this game all the time, but at least I have a guide now, and I know the ways to be happy.

I thank the Lord for this chance to be at the Feast. I thank the speaker for this talk. May more be blessed through this blog.

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